Category: FAQ

What pay back can I expect if my roof is suitable?

Every array is different, but with this dramatically discounted pricing, we project a 4 to 6 year pay back.  This for an investment in solar panels that have a 20+ year performance warranty. We have worked at a detailed example you can view here.

What happens to the power my panels generate when I’m not in my vacation home?

When you are not using your house, you presumably generate more electricity than you are using.  You get credit from NSTAR for any energy you generate but don’t use yourself. When you need more energy than you generate, you will take advantage of the credit you previously generated. You should size your system to generate …

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Are Businesses Eligible for a Tax Credit?

The Business Energy Investment Tax Credit (ITC) is available for businesses. In general, the following credits are available for eligible systems placed in service on or before December 31, 2016**: Solar. The credit is equal to 30% of expenditures, with no maximum credit. Eligible solar energy property includes equipment that uses solar energy to generate electricity, …

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Does the federal tax credit apply to second homes?

Yes.  You can claim the credit for your primary residence, or a vacation home. 

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What are the pricing tiers?

The price that home and business owners will pay decreases as more people sign contracts.  The prices begin at tier 1, and as more and more people contract to install systems, the price for all is lowered.   Tier 1 2 3 4 5 Levels <25 kW 25-50 kW 50-100 kW 100-200 kW >200 kW Price $3.75 $3.70 $3.65 $3.60 $3.50

How much maintenance is required with solar panels?

There is no preventive maintenance required. Snow and pollen are no problem; just let nature and rain do the cleaning work for you. The panels we selected have 10 to 25 year product warranties. Inverters have a 10 year warranty and will probably need to be replaced as some time.  Micro-inverters have 25 year warranties.

Will my property taxes go up because of Solar Panels?

No.  Solar Water Heat, Solar Space Heat, Solar Thermal Electric, Photovoltaics, Wind, Hydroelectric systems have a 100% exemption from Property Taxes for 20 years undeer M.G.L. ch. 59 § 5 (45, 45A).  This applies to residential and commercial installations.

Will my property value go up because of Solar Panels?

Yes, is the conclusion of three researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, who looked at home sales — both homes with photovoltaic systems and homes without — in California over an eight-and-a-half-year period ending in mid-2009. The abstract of their study states, “the analysis finds strong evidence that California homes with PV systems have sold for a …

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Should I Wait for the Best Price?

I want to make sure I get the lowest tier pricing possible. Should I wait until later in the summer to sign a contracgt? Everybody who signs a contract as part of Solarize Wellfleet will ultimately receive the same pricing tier, regardless of when they sign their contract. If, for example, you sign up when …

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What are the pros and cons of owning vs leasing?

If you own the system, you are likely to achieve higher long-term cost savings, but it requires a relatively high initial investment — even after incentives. With leasing, you can start saving from day one with a lower electricity rate than grid power, but your long-term savings will likely be lower than with purchasing. Leasing …

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